
Preis: 4.000,00 Euro

Projekt anfragen


As I’m planning a reorientation, I want to sell my web project ‘Rutage’.

It is a website in the field of media. The project was founded on 22-10-2017 and can be reached at . Per month, the project will visit around 0 unique visitors.

The project is still quite new and has a monthly turnover of 0 Euro and a profit of 0 Euro.

A while ago created an Android Application for a magazine with subscription system. This is the magazine:

Unfortunately the owners of the magazine never delivered the expected materials so the project was left dying since I didn’t have enough time.

Here is a link to the android Application:

Can easily transform it into the application for your magazine or newspaper.


– Umsatz zu steigern

– Webspace

Eingesetzte Technologien:

Weitere Leistungen:
– Persönliches Telefonat
– Preis verhandelbar
– Kostenlose Einarbeitung

Projekt anfragen

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