Preis: 49.999,00 Euro

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(game of the words cam- and -unity).
The Project is targeting into Media, incl. Video Sharing/Cinema production/Advertisment/News making platform. The concept has its unique features, and idea behind. Camunity is about 1 year old of development, and presently we are at pre-alfa testing stage.
We do believe, that “Camunity” has a high chances to suceed and it is represented by multinational Team (Spain/Germany/Russia), targeting from the beginning the whole world and not limited by one country. The outsource (programmers/designers) helps to save costs efficiently, what is crucial for startups. The Project is at high-level of maturity. It is not listed at or any other Accelerators as yet.
Our main intention is to establish the base for the project in Germany, preferably Hamburg. There is a huge interest from the film production community.
We are interested not only in the invetstments but as well in the interesting partnership.
At the moment, we are willing to share 25% of the project for 50K. The funds will be directly invested into the project, app creation, setting video filters and additional toolkit, SEO, organic growth etc. As a CEO of the project, every cent will go into development, but not on managements salary or other things, as many startup do. The active communication via slack and weekly pdf reporting to all involved parties will be distributed. For more information, please contact me via email




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